Company Info
Our factory occupies more than 5000 square meters. We have years of experiences in manufacturing & exporting wide knowledge of commodities, as well as the best sources to supply raw materials.
Our goods include backpacks,school bags, laptop bags, cosmetic bags,mesh bags,neoprene laptop sleeves,promotion gift bags,canvas bags, sling bags,waist pouches, luggage, travel bags,trolley bags,hiking bags ,tote bags,shopping bags,CD bags,camera bags,cooler bags,beach bags,craft bags and other items.
We are also specialized in producing handbags,ladies handbag,PVC handbags, PU handbags, fabric handbags, synthetic leather handbags and geniune leather handbags.
All the products are AZO ree,environmental friendly,low cadmium,and have passed the SGS inspection.
In order to satisfy more customers who just start their business in this field,we also accept small quanity order for ladies' handbags which can start from 20pcs each design.
We have a group of professional and veteran designers who are very familiar with market trends and follow the popularity of products in the sports and fashion fields. Our products have won compliments and large market share, and are deeply loved by costomers. Qiwang always stands at the forefront of the development of bags in Guangzhou, all items are well received abroad. and all of our products are exported to Europe and America.
We have built a strong logistic distribution centers, delivery centers and on-line shopping and after-sales service systems. Our brands "letfly" "qiwang" "great king"
have made rapid progress through the efforts of our young and energetic workers.
Let each dealer realize the big repayment brought by advanced marketing, sincerity wins world markets. We hope to enter into business relations with all buyers worldwide on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.
Our factory Address: No.9 Xinfa Road, Qixin,Shiling Town, Guangzhou,China
Company Name: | Qiwang Guangzhou Trade Ltd. |
Company Address: | Room 1205 Yile Commercial Building No.7-9 Airport Road Guangzhou City |
Zip: | 510400 |
Contact Person: | Mr. Frank Liu |
Telephone Number: | 0086-020-86395199 |
Mobile: | 0086-15914494569 |
Fax Number: | 0086-020-86395159 |
QQ: | 0 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |
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