By early 2003, our group has successfully built a bag-producing factory in Guangzhou. It was then moved to Shenzhen in Dec. 2004. Our new factory covers an area of 6,200 square meters, which is now becoming a multi-functional one. It takes less than 90 minutes travel from Hong Kong. With more than 200 well-trained workers, we are able to produce various types of bags and carton boxes in different materials, either by heat sealing, stitching or gluing. We also have printing and packaging section in our factory. Thus we can print, silkscreen print, transfer print, hot-stamp print and offset print on our own facilities. And for the packaging section, we have machineries for different kinds of packaging, such as sealing machines, blister packing machines, metal detectors, and anti-dust packaging rooms, so as to fit customers' high quality requirements. We also have quality co