Suppliers Engesoft Ltda Buy Buy Briefcases and Backpacks for Notebook Computer
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Buy Briefcases and Backpacks for Notebook Computer

Buy Briefcases and Backpacks for Notebook Computer Product Type:

Bags & Luggage >> Briefcase

Keyword: Buy Briefcases and Backpacks for Notebook Computer
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  • Detailed Product Description

    Buying is that my customers wants in Brazil and in South America, from there to commercialize with all Latin America. We are a sales company of commercial representation or agent withmore than 25 years of commercial experience with the great supermarkets and store, magazines and I deal wholesale. The Engesoft is traditional sales company in South America, only now opening "our doors" for the entrance business of the exterior. The Engesoft is not only plus one customer, but yes a continent, with more than 7,000 customers. When becoming partner of Engesoft you starts to have thousand of customers in "your hands"! Products for acessories for notebook computer:

    - collection of briefcases and backpacks for notebook computer with Engesoft mark. Sales prevision, for month, for the first year, only in brazilian market: A hundred thousand U. S. With matrix in they are selling Sao Paulo-SP and in all the sales men, until year 2007 they had been commercialized and you more than deliver 7, 5 million products in its majority with Engesoft mark. Please it does not insist! Engesoft is the best form to commercialize your products in Brazil.

Contact Us
Company Name: Engesoft Ltda 
Company Address: Rua Raul Marques Marinh, 100, Sao Paulo, Brazil 
Contact Person: Mr. Oberst 
Telephone Number:  
Fax Number: 55-11-55661731 