Suppliers abdulla hassanalmarwah Buy 100% Polyester middle east style jacquard fabric
Details for China 100% Polyester middle east style jacquard fabric

100% Polyester middle east style jacquard fabric

100% Polyester middle east style jacquard fabric Product Type:

Fabric >> Chemical fiber fabric >> Polyester fabric

Keyword: Polyester jacquard fabric
FOB price:
Expiration Date: long
If you are interested, please contact us!
  • Detailed Product Description

    To Whom It May Concern,We are an importing company based in Qatar. We have seen yourand we are interested in your Middle jacquard sadu fabric for funiture and tent.Here is the informations about the product that we need:Yarn Count,Coated Type,Color,How long would it take to get my order to Qatar?We would be grateful if you would contact us with the answers to the above questions.

Contact Us
Company Name: abdulla hassanalmarwah 
Company Address: Qatar 
Contact Person: abdulla hassanalmarwah 
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