iRay-Pro Case&Bag is a big sample room of our factory, and specializes in Genuine Leather belt, PU belt, Wallet and Belt buckle. In order to cater to the fast-growing fashion trends, for 8-years our iRay-Pro staff has been in step with the ever-changing styles by developing 50 new designs a month. This is in addition to the 1,000 belts in various colors and grades we already have. Over past 8-odd years, we integrated design, research, manufacturing and sale together. In addition, with our excellent craftsmanship, competitive price and prompt delivery, we have accumulated a lot of big customers from all over the world who come to us for our wide collection of high quality belts. Our monthly output is 200,000pcs of all kinds of belts. Moreover, customers' special designs are available. That's why iRay-Pro Case&Bag grows so fast in a couple of years. Please visit