rabbit skin – ChinaTexnet.com
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rabbit skin

rabbit skin
Date Posted:2013-12-17 10:57:17
Expiration Date:long

Dear Sir,
My company is called Select srl with headquarters in Prato, Tuscany (Italy).
Need hurry the rabbits skins for to my big Chinese customer.
The can buy many containers each month.
Ask you if you can send me loads pictures of your production and the amount you can sell me every month.
Please send me pictures of the product, price cif Shanghai, the amount available for each month.
If all ok, the would have in your company in January to meet for to define and concludes the purchase contract for all new year 2014 Best Regards

Free Post
select Srl


Contact: Rossano Fe

Phone: 0039 0574 442967

Fax: 0039 0574 601651

Email: select.international@tin.it


