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Sourcing Product Buyer Name Date
cotton acrylic polye Direct Ororiental Woollen Mills (pvt) Li 2013-10-11
pure hemp yarn Michael 2013-10-10
Rayon Filament Yarn Madhuramfincap 2013-10-10
FLAT YARN - 75/36 -8 Sayed Export-import Enterprises 2013-09-30
Eco-friendly ,enviro Msb Beltings 2013-09-30
Acrylic Yarn, Cotton Eichtex 2013-09-29
cotton yarn required Farooq Jamil Ahmad 2013-09-23
high bulk polyester Furniweb Manufacturing Sdn Bhd 2013-09-18
yarn Toptex Design Lt. 2013-09-16
polyester yarn raw m Capegemini 2013-09-16
Grey Fabric / 100% C Ahmad Saeed 2013-09-10
100/120D SX/XX Nativ Bharat Tissus Pvt Ltd 2013-09-09
Viscose Yarn Thaisonsp Garment 2013-09-09
Wool and Acrylic ble Hennie’s Hobbyhoek 2013-09-05
polyester yarn Shahid 2013-09-02
100% POLYESTER DOPE Golden Falcon Trading Co.,ltd 2013-09-02
65% Polyester 35% Vi Cav Importao E Exportao Ltd 2013-08-29
Cotton/Polyester yar Fibc Vietnam 2013-08-26
18/1 CVC Slub yarn ( Zahidmaheen 2013-08-23
yarn knitting Peggy Chuang 2013-08-23
DOPE DYED YARN IN 3 Onderler Tekstil San Ve Tic Ltd. Sti. 2013-08-21
melange cotton nylon Naturub Group Of Companies 2013-08-20
100% cotton yarn Pinak Texport Pvt. Ltd. 2013-08-16
Filament Viscose Yar Bharat Tissus Pvt Ltd 2013-08-16
Viscose Yarn Ismailwdl 2013-08-15
bag closing thread Ubaldo 2013-08-15
dope-dyed yarn (top Ehan International Ltd 2013-08-14
polyester fully draw Ugb Corp 2013-08-14
polyester spun yarn Ehan International Ltd 2013-08-13
combed cotton yarn Sailetto China Limited 2013-08-08
Total:2663   Pages:62/89   |‹‹‹61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ›››|

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