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Sourcing Product Buyer Name Date
Cotton yarn Wumh 2014-02-28
YARN Rps Sourcing Ltd 2014-02-27
100% cotton carded y H Enterprises Bizhat 2014-02-26
SHAMTEX YARNS President Socks 2014-02-26
2/32 or 2/28 woolble Uniq Headwear 2014-02-26
100% cotton combed c Royal_ik 2014-02-25
Polyester Yarn Raw w Scandic Tex 2014-02-25
RAMIE 36NM YARN China Traders 2014-02-24
Spun polyester catio Ali_impex International 2014-02-24
Cotton Yarn Suraabi 2014-02-21
2/32 100% cotton yar Uniqheadwear 2014-02-20
cotton yarn and p/v Mnavidtaheri 2014-02-20
Hollow polyproplene Ali Impex International 2014-02-19
Nylon 6,6 Textured 7 John Tufan 2014-02-17
DTY 75D/72F SD RW SI Adnan Group Of Companies 2014-02-14
100% Polyester Filam Adnan Group Of Companies 2014-02-14
100% Cotton Yarn for Gorio International 2014-02-12
nep yarn Jctex 2014-02-11
Polyester Viscose Bl Chain Trade Company 2014-02-11
RAW SILK YARN Ishan Enterprises 2014-02-09
Want to buy Poly-Pol Threads India Ltd. 2014-01-26
24s 36s polyester vi Khawaja Woollen Mills (pvt) Limited 2014-01-24
High Tenacity Nylon6 Materials I Threads (india) Limited 2014-01-23
Polyester Filament T Threads (india) Limited 2014-01-23
Compact Spun Cotton Mousa Textile 2014-01-22
100% POLYESTER YARN Texaspro (china ) Co. 2014-01-21
C40S/1 Shaoxing Lingxing Materials Co., Ltd. 2014-01-21
100% Cotton Yarn H Enterprises Bizhat 2014-01-20
VISCOSE FILAMENT YAR Madhuram Fincap 2014-01-17
100% ramie yarn Sagar Group Of Enterprises. 2014-01-16
Total:2663   Pages:59/89   |‹‹‹51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ›››|

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