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Sourcing Product Buyer Name Date
6s black OE RG yarn Ihsan Safety 2017-10-09
Stocklot Yarn Green W Textile 2017-10-09
YARN/TEXTILE Linh Nguyen 2017-09-26
cotton open end yarn Lenguyentst 2017-09-26
spun polyester yarn Ahmet Cem Burak 2017-09-25
polyester high tenac Fiona 2017-09-22
Polyester poy and te Antoniopereira 2017-09-22
100% Polyester Yarn Spigen 2017-09-21
DTY 75/36 150/48 pol Hainanxinxing 2017-09-19
100% Cotton Yarn Rudygafforelli 2017-09-19
Polyester drawn text Saikat Group Bd 2017-09-18
100% COTTON OPEN END Turkey Yarn Company 2017-09-12
dope dyed polyester Sounderaj Thevarayapillai 2017-09-08
24/1 RING SPUN AND O Qingdao Shinylong (industry ) Importing 2017-09-07
100% Nylon Yarn Mac Longg 2017-09-05
wool Blended Yarn Intl-orders 2017-09-04
100% dyed polypropyl Dong-hwa Lsc 2017-08-24
Polyester Yarn Fdy 5 Kapadiya Ajay 2017-08-24
Cotton yarn Atulit Impex Pvt. Ltd. 2017-08-21
polyester spun yarn Lal Impex 2017-08-18
polyester spun yarn Greenway Textile 2017-08-18
Carbon Fiber Filamen Safco International Trading Co. L.l.c. 2017-08-18
100% Cotton Yarn Borsaarm 2017-08-10
Polyester Fiber Yarn Amiigoo Trading 2017-08-09
cotton linen yarn Vrone Trading 2017-08-03
100 percent linen Ya Vrone Trading 2017-08-03
100% polyester spun Gao Jicai 2017-08-02
Cotton Yarn Anh Phat Co., Ltd 2017-07-31
Ne 30/1 polyester vi Goyam International Ludhiana (india) 2017-07-31
100% Cotton Yarn Pastormbuteego 2017-07-27
Total:2663   Pages:37/89   |‹‹‹31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ›››|

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