Polyester Yarn Buyers Guide, Polyester Yarn Buyers Directory
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Home >> Buying-Leads >> Yarn >> Chem-fiber yarn >> Polyester Yarn
Sourcing Product Buyer Name Date
100% Polyester Yarn Allinson Centre Groups 2018-03-26
Close virgin spun po Gsc Import Export Co Ltd 2018-03-16
100 % Polyester Ne 1 Naeembrothers 2018-03-15
100% Polyester Yarn Maksim Karpenkov 2018-03-09
100% polyester yarn Celestemvaughan 2018-02-02
100% Polyester Yarn Hhhuyuyyh 2018-01-31
100% Polyester Yarn Lock.warx 2018-01-30
polyester yarn 150/7 Elite Trading 2018-01-26
100% Polyester Yarn Shenzen Cooperation Plc 2018-01-24
Vortex Yarn and Ring Zhiqiang Sun 2018-01-19
Monofilament Yarn Hakan Atalay 2018-01-02
Polyester Texturised Basf Southeast Asia Pte Ltd 2018-01-02
dope dyed black DTY Fadi Alsarraj 2017-12-28
100%Polyester Space Sunny 2017-12-28
100% Polyester Yarn Serkan Ergor 2017-12-27
Polyester Textured D Yarn Division 2017-12-27
filament yarn Jp Goswami 2017-12-21
Polyester Textured D Y & F 2017-12-19
polyester dty yarn Sherzod 2017-12-13
Polyester Curved FDY Materials And Construction Group 2017-12-13
Polyester yarn Salsons Impex Private Limited 2017-12-06
100% Polyester Yarn Kendallas 2017-11-30
100 Polyester yarn Madhurkankani 2017-11-23
50/2 raw white spun Ceoatendance 2017-11-22
POY , 88 Dtex/72f , Tim Robertson 2017-11-21
polyester yarn Ceoatendance 2017-11-21
1200D 100% colourful Ecopower Ltd 2017-11-06
poly, poly cotton, v Threads India 2017-10-30
polyester high bulk Khawaja Woollen Mills (pvt.) Limited 2017-10-18
Polyester Monofilame Pavan Oza 2017-10-13
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