Leather Buyers Guide, Leather Buyers Directory
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Sourcing Product Buyer Name Date
suede leather Saghyir 2018-10-25
fur fabric Saghyir 2018-10-23
Genuine Leather Baouniya.oranjo 2018-10-22
pvc artificial leath Unitex Lanka (pvt) Ltd 2018-10-22
Washed PU leather fo Mahavir Modoter 2018-10-18
Leather Product Baouniya.oranjo 2018-10-18
microfiber suede lea Saghyir 2018-10-18
synthetic pvc leathe Ali Alfadhel 2018-10-17
chinchilla fur Carla 2018-10-12
leather pram Kshitij 2018-10-10
Giltter PU Fabric Vjsaybat India 2018-10-09
synthetic leather Raman Chandra 2018-10-08
suede leather Raman Chandra 2018-10-08
natural fur Dakowa Commercial Agent 2018-09-30
recliner leather sof Greatime Furniture 2018-09-29
aritificial leather G.h.hashmi 2018-09-28
lapin fur Import Y Export Edison Textilimport Y Ex 2018-09-27
synthetic leather fa Raman Chandra 2018-09-21
Foiled PU mirror lea Syed Numaan 2018-09-18
High quality casual Imamura Reiko 2018-09-12
Bag Use PVC Material Ramachandhiran Otrac Limited 2018-09-06
Rexine, Synthetic Le Allied Energy International 2018-09-05
PU LEATHER Sak 2018-08-28
Bag Use Knitted Back Furqan Arif 2018-08-28
cow raw skin, cattle Leather Consortium 2018-08-24
Genuine Leather Jamineimport 2018-08-22
PVC Flower And Star Upak-pvc 2018-08-17
Genuine Leather Manohar United Group 2018-08-14
leather Handbag Stif Jacquesrousseauintl 2018-08-10
PU AND PVC LEATHER Manoj 2018-08-10
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