100% Polyester DHUPIAN YARN – ChinaTexnet.com
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100% Polyester DHUPIAN YARN

100% Polyester DHUPIAN YARN
Date Posted:2018-08-16 08:58:49
Expiration Date:long

Der Sir or Madam, My name is Natalia, I am the import manager from GRASS Russia. GraSS - is the leading manufacturer of carwash and cleaning products in Russia. For more information about our company please visit our www.grass.su. We are now developing our production of microfiber (napkins, cloth in rolls, etc). We are planning to produce it on Karl Mayer TM 4T. What fiber can you suggest us to use better? Can you please provide us with your catalog and pricelist? What is the MOQ? What are the terms of production and delivery? We would appreciate to get more detailed information about your products and hope to cooperate. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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GRASS Russia


Contact: Natalia Zhiganova

Phone: +7 (8443) 58-48-48, 58-33-85;


Email: info@grass.su

skype: n.zhiganova

