buy Polyester yarns –
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buy Polyester yarns

buy Polyester yarns
Date Posted:2022-05-16 08:54:42
Expiration Date:long
Note: We have developed new technologies in need of a manufacturer to sample and manufacture in bulk mutifilament polyester yarn 50 denier to 150 denier, we will supply the master batch to be dosed in at the rate of 2 to 3% and the quantities are small are going to be in bulk once the yarn is perfected this is an existing yarn which we have developed and now need to manufacture in bulk, also we have other technologies to add in to yarns, we supply the largest weaving companies in the world if any one can help us please feel free to contact us.
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Address: Gesellschafter: Edgar Candolfi, Simon Schauble, RECHTSFORM, Germany

Contact: Mr. zahir ahmed

Phone: 49-15224-471283




