Suppliers Wuxi No.3 Textiles Equipments Co., Ltd.(Wuxi Yingcai Textile Machinery & Card Clothing Factory) Sell Butadiene-acrylonitrile picker buffer/R parts of Buna-N rubber
Details for China Butadiene-acrylonitrile picker buffer/R parts of Buna-N rubber

Butadiene-acrylonitrile picker buffer/R parts of Buna-N rubber

Butadiene-acrylonitrile picker buffer/R parts of Buna-N rubber Product Type:

Textile Machinery >> Textile Machinery Parts

Keyword: Butadiene-acrylonitrile picker buffer/R parts of Buna-N rubber
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Payment Terms: L/C
  • Detailed Product Description

    The product is produced with cotton or synthetic fabric as backing material through processes of dipping, synthesis and formation to the Japan Industry Standard (JIS). It is widely used for power conveying between the picking stick and the shuttles. It is characterized as long service life, abrasion resistant, proper elasticity and rigidity as well as less damage of the picking stick.


Contact Us
Company Name: Wuxi No.3 Textiles Equipments Co., Ltd.(Wuxi Yingcai Textile Machinery & Card Clothing Factory) 
Company Address: 18 Gongye Road, Meiyuanxi Yugang, Wuxi City, Jiangsu, China. 
Zip: 214066 
Contact Person:  
Telephone Number: +86-510-85501079,85502646 
Fax Number: +86-510-85502646 
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