Suppliers Ningbo Ferly Plastic & Packaging Co., Ltd.
Company Info

Ningbo Ferly Plastic & Packaging Co., Ltd., established in 1996, is specializing in custom designed packaging products and services for all industries. We are able to manufacture products from most any material like plastic, fabric, metal, woods, cardboard, corrugated and molded pulp. Our core competency is the specialized approach to provide quality products and service at a most economical/efficient pattern from design, prototyping, tooling to production that continually meet the changing needs of our customers. Ferly Pacific Packaging has built a very successful business model of full packaging solution which is based on the depth and experience in the key areas of the business. From manufacturing or sourcing to sales and marketing, Ferly Pacific Packaging can provide you the best quality at valued prices. In 2003, our annual turnover exceeds USD5,000,000, exporting volume to N

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Contact us
Company Name: Ningbo Ferly Plastic & Packaging Co., Ltd. 
Company Address: 999 Zhongshan Eastern Road, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. China 
Zip: 315040 
Contact Person: Mr. mson ren 
Telephone Number: 86-574-87812510 
Fax Number: 86-574-87812555 
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