Guangzhou Haola Leatherware Factory is a professional handbag manufacturer and exporter with 12 years of experience. Located in Huadu, the Leatherware Center of China, Haola Factory is close to leather market, hardware market and fabric market, with rich material sources. Our factory area is about 5000 square meters. We have 7 production lines, 7 workshops and 250 experienced employees. Our production capacity is more than 50,000 bags per month and almost 100,000 bags per year. With designers from New York, we have strong capacity in design. "HAOLA" is our own brand. Besides, we do OEM products for the brands from the U.S.A., Spain, France, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore, Portugal, and other countries and regions. Our design team has 16 people. Every month, there are about 150 new styles. Our bags cover fashion leisure handbags, construction bags, semi-