Suppliers Wenzhou Chinese Fiber Co.,Ltd
Company Info

CIC Acoustic insulation material It is made by melt blowing micro- fiber including diameter 1-4 micron superfine fiber (PP) and 20-30 micron staple fibers (PET). The product has good performances of acoustic insulation, meanwhile, it has more characteristics as: environmental, light weight, hydrophobic, compressible, flexible installation ect.It is widely used in many fields, such as: automobile, high speed train, tube project, ship, yacht, air plane, aviation & spaceflight, household appliance, office equipment, machine, laboratory, piano room, cinema, meeting room, building & decoration, equipment sound insulation, workshop ect. Automotive Noise Vibration and Harshness (NVH) reduction products: TC Series (TC1503; TC1803; TC2203; TC2303; TC3303; TC3403) | TAI Series (TAI2001; TAI3001; TAI4002; TAI2047; TAI3047; TAI4047; TAI2027; TAI3027; TAI4027; T

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Company Name: Wenzhou Chinese Fiber Co.,Ltd 
Company Address: No.933, Binhai 2nd Ave, Longwan, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China 
Zip: 325000 
Contact Person: Jeffrey Lee 
Telephone Number: 0086-577-86996516 
Fax Number: 0086-577-86996515 