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thing, I still do not write too much detail better. They told me to use a lynching. No, that should be the right sentence. Akiyama's eyes because of hatred and a dyed blood red. But in retrospect, no one can blame them now. If we say that the violence has its reasons, I can not say I am not one of the reasons. Because the loss of self-control in the factory, humiliating way out of control and cause them fear, is none other than myself. I was hit by a car when my bones cracked, bleeding profusely, unable to move. In hindsight, perhaps because those blood Akiyama they did not see my true colors. Because, finally, after all, they did not answer my bandage. By this time, I finally understand why even had a disagreement, they call me on Monday to the factory to work as usual. They are watching. Watching for an opportunity to bandage male revenge. I was kicked, beaten, and finally spit. Pain soon disappeared. However, it seems expensive shoes in Akiyama that I jumped on my head, neck bones along wonderfully sound, my consciousness into the darkness. What the hell kind of place is it? Like melting furnace, like mine, Shining molten metal rolling boil world? Me in the darkness, I feel like
Company Name: | Non woven bags manufacturer |
Company Address: | xicheng |
Zip: | 325802 |
Contact Person: | Senka |
Telephone Number: | 18868944739 |
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